Student Volunteer Job Descriptions

Orchestra Assessment Student Jobs

Door Monitor – One to two students needed per shift.

Responsibilities include handing out programs to visitors as they enter the auditorium and monitoring the auditorium door. The door must remain closed during performances. People may not enter the auditorium until a group has finished a piece. You may allow audience members to enter quickly during applause.

Concessions – One to two students needed per shift.

Responsibilities include working in the concession stand with the Concessions parent to sell snacks to students and visitors.

Guide – Four to six students needed per shift.            

Responsibilities include guiding a director’s orchestra (that you’ve been assigned to) upstairs to their storage room, to the warm-up room, to the stage for performance, to sight reading, then back to their storage room. You MUST remain with your assigned group until you’ve ushered them back to storage following sight reading. Do NOT leave your group. You are their personal guide for the day.

Stage Crew – Three to five students needed per shift.

Responsibilities include assisting the Stage parent with setting up the chairs and stands for each orchestra before they take the stage. The group configurations are kept in a binder with the stage manager. It is important to make stage changes quickly, as orchestra groups are taking the stage to every 25 to 30 minutes.

Sight Reading - One to two students needed per shift.      

Responsibilities include assisting the sight-reading judge with handing out music, moving chairs or stands per orchestra group, and general assistance to the judge.

Registration/Runner – One student needed per shift.    

Responsibilities include collecting the instrumental scores from the directors when they arrive and taking them into the judges in the auditorium as soon as possible. You would also be responsible for collecting the final judges scoring sheets for the orchestra directors when they are completed and distributing them to the directors before they leave the school.