The MRHS Music Foundation raises funds to support the Director's budget requests each year to cover expenses such as instrument repair and replacement; specialized uniform purchases and maintenance (madrigals costumes, women's ensemble dresses, marching band uniforms, jazz vests) as well as sheet music, transportation, and annual awards and recognition, and other capital expenses.
The Patron Program, Mustang Flea Market, and various fundraising activities are planned for this year.
We also provide opportunities to help students pay for the annual spring trip. Profits from Cash Card Sales (Giant and Weis) and the Yankee Candle Sale (not happening in 2020 due to COVID-19), World's Finest Chocolates Sale (will resume when students return to school in person) go directly into individual student accounts. The student accounts are managed through the Charms application and assist the student to cover expenses such as the annual Spring Trip, but also can be used for ensemble fees (marching band, madrigals, women's ensemble, jazz band vests), concert attire purchases, and All State or Solo & Ensemble Fees.Â
These opportunities are offered to help reduce each family's out-of-pocket expenses, while giving students ownership and responsibility to fund their trip and other expenses. Additionally, for the 2020-2021 school year ONLY - Students may request funds from their Student Account to cover the cost of Personal Music Expenses (instrument maintenance and repairs, music lessons, etc.). These requests should be directed to Joy Altenburg - Student Accounts Manager ( and receipts will be required to release funds (via a check) to the student. The Personal Music Expense reimbursement is only for this year due to COVID-19; otherwise, funds in the Student Account can be used for Music Department obligations (Ensemble Fees, Concert Attire Purchases), and County or State Fees related to Music (All State Fees or Solo & Ensemble Fees).
The Music Foundation board and committee volunteers manage and oversee fundraising events. Working the fundraisers is great fun and builds great community, too! "It takes a village" to raise the funds to support the current budget! Please join us and help ensure that MRHS Music continues its tradition of excellence.