Patron Program

The Marriotts Ridge High School (MRHS) Music Foundation’s role is to raise funds and provide volunteer support for all aspects of the music programs for the numerous MRHS music students. Our funds consist of Parent and Family donations, Business Patron donations, concert ticket sales, and monies raised from fundraising efforts (bingo night, an annual flea market, and more).

Funds are used to purchase instruments and musical scores/sheet music, pay clinician fees for experts to work with our students, pay registration and transportation costs for events and competitions, and for the purchase and upkeep of uniforms/costumes. To maintain the high standards of excellence we have achieved requires a huge investment of time, energy, and money. 

We are committed to providing the best facilities, training, and equipment for our performers who proudly wear the colors of Marriotts Ridge High School. The students dedicate enormous amounts of time to their music. However, it takes more than practice to maintain an elite rank. The incredible performances you will enjoy each year will be the result of thousands of hours spent by your students, the directors, volunteers, and the financial support of parents and business patrons throughout our community. 

We invite YOU to become a Marriotts Ridge Music Patron!

Please contact if you have any questions about becoming a Patron.

If you would like to mail in your donation or send with your student, please print the applicable form:

Family Patrons $150+ receive reserved seating at our winter and spring concerts!

Business Patrons $500+ receive reserved seating at our winter and spring concerts AND have their business name announced at the home football games!

(None of your donation will go to credit card fees, thanks to the PayPal Giving Fund process!)