MRHS Concert Attire Information 2023-2024
All students in performing music ensembles are required to purchase the official “concert black” MRHS
Concert Attire to wear for all performances. Students may select from three style options: long black evening gown, black blouse / palazzo pants combo, and black dress shirt / dress slacks / tie combo. Prices for attire range from $60-77 depending on style choice.
Remember that all gowns and pants are unfinished, and you will need to have them hemmed before the winter concerts on December 13 and 14. Dry cleaners typically take one week for alterations so allow adequate time.
We recommend that the gowns and palazzo pants be hemmed to just above floor level, so the wearer appears to float. For the concert, students should wear dressy black shoes and black socks or hose with the concert attire. Wear the shoes you plan to wear when measuring for alterations. We also recommend leaving a couple inches in the hem so you can let it out if you grow an inch or two.
Students must wear dressy black shoes and black socks or hose with the concert attire. Families must provide shoes and socks/hose.
As of November 29, all concert attire outfits that were ordered this year have been distributed to students. The window for free return/exchange closed on October 31.
If you need to exchange/return concert attire at this point, please do the following:
Email Brian Reedinger at Cousin’s Concert Attire ( and let him know the style and size of the items that you are returning as well as the style and new size requested. Let him know these clothes were purchased from the Marriotts Ridge Storefront. Provide him your name and shipping address.
Print and complete the return authorization form on the Cousin’s Concert Attire website. Write in “Marriotts Ridge storefront order” for the order/invoice number section.
Mail the concert attire items back to Cousin’s along with the completed return authorization form using the address on the return form.
You will need to pay the shipping cost for the returned items. Cousin’s will not charge you for the exchange items they ship to you.
MADRIGALS – Renaissance & Evening attire - $80 maintenance fee
Madrigal Men – will be required to purchase a Tuxedo – Fittings will be done at the same time as Concert Attire – September 26, 27, and 28. Questions? Cindy Maclean (
Sign up here:
Shoes & other accessories as designated by director (provided by student)
WOMEN’S ENSEMBLE – Women’s Blue Gown - $35 maintenance fee
Fittings will be coordinated by Rose Ryon (
Silver shoes (provided by student)
JAZZ ENSEMBLE - Jazz Vest - $15 maintenance fee
CONSIGNMENT – Graduating students may donate their used attire to the MRHS Music Foundation for future students to purchase at a discount. Current students may purchase these used garments instead of new garments. Consignment sales will be available at the time of fittings and can be paid using cash, check or credit card that evening.
Concert Attire Donations Now Being Accepted
Have you outgrown your concert attire or are graduating?
Please consider donating the following concert attire items to the Marriotts Ridge Music Foundation:
Cousin's ladies black full-length gowns
Cousin's palazzo pants and blouses
Cousin's black dress shirts with collar
Cousin's black dress pants
Cousin's black dress jacket
Cousin's black tie
Dinkle's black marching shoes
Ladies gray/silver dress shoes
Men's black dress shoes
Men's Tuxedos worn for Madrigals
MRHS Garment Bags
Questions on Concert Attire? Contact Krista Patterson (
Questions on Consignment? Contact Maxine Saylor (